We make the soundtrack for your videos


what is the strength of an original music for a video production?

- It is exclusive: it is designed, composed and produced exclusively for your project. It is only yours. It will be a distinctive and unique sign of your work.

- It moves together with images. Only original compositions, inspired by specific video content, will be able to guarantee the audio/video synchronization capable of communicating what you wish to transmit.

- It has the style you want. the musical style will follow the indications of who produced the video. Music will finally be able to interpret the intentions that inspired the video itself thanks to the briefing and sharing activity between video maker and composer.

what are the applications?

  • Movie soundtrack 
  • Trailer
  • Advertising
  • Business Presentations
  • Video games
  • Documentaries
  • Short films
  • Multimedia Catalogues
  • Theme for programs
  • …and much more

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